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Maths Vision:

“To create confident and enthusiastic mathematicians who have an ability to work fluently, reason mathematically, and apply their knowledge to solve problems. We aim to help children build a true understanding of number and mastery of key mathematical concepts.”


In Reception, we relate the mathematical aspects of the children’s work to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals  that underpin the curriculum planning for children in Reception. We use White Rose Maths resources to support us in planning our Reception curriculum alongside NCETM Mastering Number resources.

The National Curriculum shows the objectives that your child must be taught in KS1 and KS2. Although the curriculum is broken down into year group objectives, primary schools can decide to teach them in different year groups as long as everything is covered in the correct key stage.

At Linden we follow the White Rose Maths curriculum. This is well planned and well resourced, being particularly strong in breaking National Curriculum year group criteria down into small-step objectives. Teachers will adapt and supplement the White Rose curriculum according to the needs of the children in their class.

Whole school overview:  Long Term Overview - Whole School

EYFS overview:  EYFS overview



The following documents explain how White Rose Maths resources are used and how they progress through the school:

Addition and subtraction calculation policy - Addition and Subtraction Policy.pdf

Multiplication and division calculation policy - Multiplication and Division Policy.pdf

National Curriculum progression - National Curriculum Progression.pdf

For intervention to support children who are having difficulty in maths, we use Number Stacks resources.

What can we do at home?

This blog by Third Space Learning contains some excellent advice on supporting your child with maths at home. Some of the most important things you can do are:

  • talk about maths positively at home. Even if your own maths education doesn’t leave you with good memories, one of the best things you can do is give your child a positive outlook on maths so they believe they can do well (and everyone can!).
  • look for everyday opportunities to practise maths, especially the basics like counting, addition and subtraction in reception and KS1, and times tables in KS2.
  • help your child to complete their homework.

In addition to the above, the school is currently subscribed to 3 online platforms: Times Tables RockstarsComplete Mathematics Tutor and Maths Shed.

  • Times Table Rockstars allows children to practise their times tables in a variety of ways, including competing against their friends. Teachers can set particular times tables to practice or children can work on all their facts up to 12 x 12.
  • Maths Shed provides questions on some important aspects of maths like times tables and number bonds. Children can also tackle questions from across the maths curriculum in the ‘Lessons’ section.
  • Complete Mathematics TUTOR. Complete Mathematics TUTOR provides children with videos and activities delivered by expert maths educators. The website continually assesses the child’s strengths and points for development and suggests activities specific to the needs of the individual. Teachers can set specific units for children to focus upon in order to consolidate their learning at school.

For further information, please ask your child's teacher or send a query to the school office.



In KS2, weekly homework is set on Times Table Rockstars –  Year 3 and 4 children are expected to complete 20 games each week, which are easily accessed when they log in. Year 5 and 6 children are expected to complete 10 games each week.

In addition to Times Table Rockstars, Year 5 and 6 children will be set work on Complete Mathematics Tutor

Here are some useful websites for further information and for practising maths at home:

Glow Maths Hub – GlowMaths is our local maths hub, part of a national network of hubs to support maths teaching across the country. We have worked regularly with Glow Maths in recent years. Currently, we are part of a ‘Sustaining Mastery’ work group, and our maths lead is training as a Primary Mastery Specialist with the NCETM.

TopMarks – Online maths games

CIMT – Online worksheets

Corbett Maths – Online worksheets and videos (particularly useful for upper KS2)

Maths Zone – Online maths games

BBC Bitesize – Online games and revision

MathsBot – Online resources

Some of our partners: