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Pastoral Provision

At Linden, we offer a range of pastoral support to pupils who may need it for a number of different reasons. This support follows a graduated pathway and children can move up or down this pathway, depending on the level of support that they need at the time. If you feel that your child needs pastoral support, please speak to their class teacher or contact Meg Jenkins (Inclusion Lead) at or via the school office.

Young Minds Matter (Trailblazer Programme)

 The Trailblazer Programme gives us access to a Mental Health support Team. Their main role is providing support for children who may be experiencing mild to moderate mental health problems. Through this programme, we can refer to young Minds matter who can offer 6-8 CBT sessions and behavioural interventions or can signpost to the most suitable organisation for support. They also provide training and support to the staff at Linden Primary School to help us support your child in school.

Play Therapy

Ian Broady

Play Therapy involves using play so that children can explore their thoughts and feelings in creative ways, without having to use words to articulate themselves. In Play Therapy Sessions, children explore their own creativity and express themselves, using media such as; drawing and painting, water and clay, sand tray and miniatures, guided imagery and relaxation techniques, drama and puppetry, poetry, movement and music.

Applied Therapy

Emma Toms

 Applied Therapy is a child led approach, which allows children to explore their thoughts and feelings, through a range of different creative and play based techniques. Children have the opportunity to explore their emotions and learn different strategies to help them regulate their emotions and manage different situations that they may face in life.

Drawing and Talking

Gurminder Sidhu / Rozina Begum

 Drawing and Talking is a therapeutic intervention that is designed as a short-term pro-active intervention intended to complement, rather than replace, the work of Specialist Mental Health Services. This approach allows children and young people to bring what they need to their sessions and use drawing as a way to help them express their feelings The Drawing and Talking therapeutic approach allows individuals to discover and communicate emotions through a non-directed technique.


Becky Cheers-Berry

An ELSA in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Examples of areas covered by ELSAs are; social skills, emotions, bereavement, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, friendship and skills needed to find a solution.

1:1 check ins or chats with a trusted adult

Carried out by an adult that your child feels comfortable talking to.

In addition to the graduated pathway for pastoral support, we also have Otto, the Dog Mentor, who provides support in a number of ways, such as:

  • Helping children to calm and regulate their emotions.
  • Support with routines and behaviour, including the use of Otto Rewards.
  • 1:1 Dog Mentor sessions working through the Dog Mentor booklet.
  • Otto breathing, which is used with all children, and can be especially useful for children who need to regulate themselves.

We can also refer to, or signpost to a number of other organisations including:

  • TIC+
  • Yes Mentoring
  • Info Buzz
  • Young Minds Matter
  • Winston’s Wish