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Science Vision:

"To provide a high quality and engaging science education, where children develop the knowledge for understanding the world around them.  Develop curiosity so children ask questions about how and why things happen in a certain way.  Build deep subject knowledge and vocabulary, which are the foundations for children to make scientific predictions and draw conclusions.  To expose children to high quality learning experiences and resources, making the most of the outdoor environment around us and the school’s locality."


Science is a core subject, cohesively planned to ensure a progression of knowledge and skills which builds on prior learning.  Substantive and disciplinary knowledge have equal weight in the curriculum. 

Children are taught to ‘work scientifically’ through enquiry:

  • observing over time; pattern seeking
  • identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
  • researching using secondary sources.

Children should seek answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data.