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Reception September 2024

If your child has been allocated a place here in September 2024, please see the information below.

Parent Information Meeting PowerPoint

Transition Booklet

Staggered Entry Timetable

GCC School Readiness Leaflet

Pre-School Curriculum Map

Fred Games RWI

Phonics Fred Games

Getting Ready for School checklist

Please see the link to up coming Stay and Play Sessions

Reception Year Admissions

Standard admission numbers for Linden Primary School is 30 per class. Children entering are normally admitted at the beginning of the academic year in which they reach their fifth birthday. Children are initially admitted on a part-time basis until they are ready to cope with all aspects of the whole school day. Full-time attendance is at the discretion of the class teacher in consultation with parents.

The school co-operates with the Local Authority in co-ordinating the admission of pupils to schools in the area. The aim of this is to ensure that as far as possible, parents obtain the school of their choice. Please click on the link to the Gloucestershire County Admission procedures below.

In Year Admissions

If you would like your child to attend our school, please click on the link to the Gloucestershire County Admission procedures below. Here you will also find copies of the In Year Application form. All our admissions are coordinated by the Gloucestershire County Council whether you are looking for your child to start in Reception with us next year or if you are looking to move your child to our school at any other time during their school career.

You can follow the link below to complete forms that Gloucestershire County Council then deal with and coordinate with us but please feel free to contact the school office for help and support with any of these forms; we are always happy to help.

Once you have secured a place at our school you and your child are more than welcome to visit the school before they start to meet staff and children and so that we can make sure that admission to school is as smooth as is possible.

Please see booklet link below for the Local Authority over subscription critera:

Transfer to Secondary School

As the end of Year 6, all children transfer to secondary school. Parents are informed of the procedures to follow and are given details of the options available in the Autumn Term prior to their child's transfer. Parents are given the opportunity to visit the various local secondary schools with the children and details can be found on Secondary Schools' websites. All parents are notified of the places offered to their children on March 1st in the school year before they change schools. If they are unhappy with the places offered there is an appeals process set up within the Local Authority.

In all instances, if a child is not offered a place, parents may appeal. The process is detailed on the Gloucestershire County Council website.

Local Authority admissions information can be found here:

To view the Admission Policy for our school please click here

Please then click on the link to the Determined Admission Criteria and Scheme for the required year, and our Admission Policy is shown under GCC Admission Arrangements.